Fulfillment Policy For Boyslut Zine
Details on Delivery Policy, Cancellation Policy, Refund Policy, and Return Policy.
Welcome to the Boyslut Zine! Here, you can find information on the fulfillment policy for paid subscribers, which includes details on the delivery policy, cancellation policy, refund policy, and return policy.
Delivery Policy
You can expect to receive 1-2 articles from me per week, and you’ll always have access to past articles.
Cancellation Policy
If you'd like to cancel a paid subscription to a publication, follow these steps:
— Navigate to your Substack account Settings page at this link: www.substack.com/settings
— Under Subscriptions, click on the paid publication you want to cancel your subscription to.
—Scroll to the Account actions section and click on the link next to "To cancel your paid subscription, click here".
— On the next page, select "Cancel Subscription".
Once you cancel your subscription, it will terminate at the end of the billing period and you will not be charged again. If you're on a 7-day trial, the trial will end as soon as you cancel the subscription.
Refund Policy
If a refund request is made within 7 days of payment, Substack will issue a refund. Anything after 7 days, and you can cancel your subscription. However, you will pay for that month or year (depending on which subscription you subscribed to).
Return Policy
Since my “products” are articles, there is no return policy as there is nothing to return!
Customer Support
Need help navigating any of this? You can reach out to me (Zachary Zane) directly at boyslutzinesubmissions.com.
Happy reading!
Zachary Zane